Hookup Options
Attachments are great, save time, and make us more efficient. But all that is useless unless you can actually connect to the attachment and use it.
Since there are a number of different hookups needed, we have chosen the most common hookups and provided them in a visual list below so that you can determine which hookup you need for your machine. If you’re not sure, give us a call and we will help.
If the list we offer doesn’t include your hookup, we’ve also provided a simple measurement method so that we can build a custom hookup.

Hookup Overview
These buckets are built from ⅝ inch steel with a reversible, bolt-on cutting edge that’s 1.25” thick. Heavy duty.
Options – We provide all the common options so all you have to do is identify the correct hookup and go to work.
All our hookups are built heavy duty, built to do what you need them to do – get the work done when it needs to be done.
Options We Offer…
These are the most common hookups which will fit the majority of machines found in the USA. However, if you don’t see your hookup, give us a call and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Skid Steer Hookups

Wheel Loader Hookups

Telehandler Hookups

Hookup Pricing
Prices vary and special hookups are more costly, so give us a call for specific pricing on all options.
Custom Hookup Measurements
Need a custom hookup, one that’s not available on our list? Use the diagram below to define your custom hookup needs.
Information Needed: Using your current attachment, what is the distance of A in inches; distance of B in inches. Is the bottom hole round or square? If round, what is the diameter of the bottom hole. If square, what is the size of the square? Is the square sitting flat or in a diamond (vertical) position?