Tire Shooter
Here’s our Tire Shooter in action.
If you have bunkers or feed pipes the question isn’t “Do I need one?” The question is “How many do I need?” We are so confident in our Tire Shooters we offer free demos in Wisconsin and the surrounding states. Watch our videos and see how you can cut your covering time in half while doing less work with the Midwest Tire Shooter!
Self Unloading
Haul up to 110 sidewalls
Easy & quick to load
Custom fit any skid steer or wheel loader
Use sidewalls or full tires
Powder coated paint
Typical customers say it saves half the time or half the labor; Some say both

Brief Overview
Our Tire Shooter is simple in design but very effective at labor saving. Hydraulic driven, using roller chain and our own tire pushers made specifically for the chain pushes the tires off of the boom. If you’ve got a pile of any significance, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can set tires in just the right place and how much more efficient you can be. The tire shooter is almost maintenance free with only 2 grease zerks and the occasional time spent tightening the chain.
Tire Shooter Details
3 Sizes Available
•16’ Skid Steer
•23’ Wheel Loader
•16’ Telehandler
•Skid Steer mounts are built into the unit
•Wheel Loader mounts are HD bolt on mounts
•Telehandler mounts are built onto the unit
Placement Options
•Set full size tires onto your pile
•Load 80-100 sidewalls at a time
Note: Sidewalls are approx. 36” in diameter
Skid Steer
16’ base model
Call for Price
16’ base model
Call for Price*
* Prices may vary depending on hookups
Wheel Loader
23’ base model
Call for Price*
* Prices may vary depending on hookups