Silostop Oxygen Barrier
Don’t Stop Now
We’ve both seen the sign numerous times. Sometimes, we probably saw it, slowed down, and kept on moving. Or maybe you were like my grandpa who liked to say, “I’ll stop twice next time” as he shifted down to third at those county road stop signs and drove right through.
At first glance, the sign might seem a bit confusing as it relates to oxygen barriers, but it’s exactly what you need to hear. Silostop knows how to stop. It knows how to stop your biggest silage-making enemy – oxygen. As the first company to create an oxygen barrier, they got it right from the beginning and still have it right today. Stop – it’s what they do incredibly well.
What Silostop Offers You
Silostop oxygen barrier really steps up to the plate as it offers 120 times the protection of conventional plastic, but definitely not 120 times the cost! With Silostop film, your bunker will incur less than 10 percent loss in the top 3 feet. Compare that to regular 5 mil black and white that will lose more than 20 percent. That’s an impressive statement and a proven fact. Silostop is impermeable to oxygen; it’s lightweight, strong, simple to use, and cost effective. With an oxygen transfer rate of only 23.2, you will have less spoilage, a lower pH, and better fermentation which all leads to better forage.
Silostop may be only 1.8 mils thick, yet it’s still proven to be over 100 times more effective than conventional black and white PE plastic. Although it’s thin, it’s still durable enough to walk on without tearing, but, as you already know, the less you traffic on your pile, the better your oxygen barrier will conform to your pile’s shape. Because it’s so thin, it’s also cheaper to recycle because it takes up less space when rolled or folded after use. After 10 years of research by many universities and in field trials, Silostop users have been shown that they can save $0.75 to $4.00 per ton over conventional black and white. Now, that’s music to anyone’s ears!

Worth the Ponder…

OK. So, I miss my old Massey Ferguson. Some of you probably miss some of your favorite tractors of days gone by, but we’ve moved on to bigger which requires better.

As the corn starts to lose a bit of its bright green color, you can almost smell the silage. There’s much wisdom in protecting your investment that smells like money, but looks like forage.

All your hard work with tractors much larger than that old Massey pays off; not while it’s standing in the field, but while you’re feeding that lush, fresh silage to your black and whites.
Silostop Oxygen Barrier
Silostop, the first company to produce an oxygen barrier, is still focusing on producing outstanding oxygen barriers to meet your needs. Silostop’s oxygen barrier is .5 mil thick and has an oxygen transfer rating of 23.2. Silostop has a good thing going, so give it some thought. Check out the sizes available and then, contact us for the current prices.
Sizes in Feet
20 x 328
26 x 164
33 x 164
33 x 200
Sizes in Feet
39 x 164
39 x 1000
52 x 164
52 x 1000
Sizes in Feet
65 x 164
65 x 1000
78 x 1000
88 x 1000